How to Remove Non Slip Bath Stickers

  • Reading time:2 mins read

How to Remove Non Slip Bath StickersFor those who have applied stick-on non slip bath stickers, treading or bath tub appliqués, the day will come when the old non slip stickers peel off and need to be changed. While some find it a tough job to get the old stickers off, there are some useful tips to remove them. 

Step #1: Peel up one edge of the stickers. These stickers have been made water resistant. To make the steps of removal effective, we need to first break the stickers to reach the adhesive layer at the bottom. 

Step #2: Take a clean cloth (or paper napkin) and soak it in vinegar. Stick the soaked cloth to the sticker to moisten it. Leave to soak for at least one hour. 

Step #3: Take a plastic scraper or a plastic spatula. Scrape the sticker off the surface gently. Do not use metal blade or grater for they will scratch the surface. 

Step #4: In case of any remaining adhesive, take another cloth and soak it in mineral spirits. Stick the soaked cloth to the adhesive and leave for at least one hour. 

Step #5: Scrape the residue off the surface using a plastic scraper, or wipe it off using a clean damp cloth. 

Step #6: Clean the whole area by applying water and mild detergent. Remove all residues, including adhesive, vinegar and mineral spirits. 

For good quality non slip bathtub stickers, non slip treading and bath tub appliqués, contact Shin Dorn’s sales team for further information:

Related product: Safety Anti Slip Tape for Stairs (AS005)

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