Patch the Tire, Ride the Bike – Hassle Free Tire Patching

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Do you know how to ride a bike? Many people enjoy riding bike in their free time. But not many of us know exactly how to fix tire puncture. Having tire puncture on the road seems a real hassle, but it doesn’t have to be so. With a piece of self-adhesive tire patch, one can patch a tire like applying a sticker! Here are the simple steps of tire patching using glueless tire patch.

Tools you need: tire levers (to remove inner tube), metal rasp or abrasive paper (to roughen puncture area), pre-glued tire patch (to repair puncture).

1. Remove the object that has caused the puncture.

2. Take out the inner tube using tire levers.

3. Examine the inner tube and locate the puncture. Put the tube in water to look for bubbles if necessary.

4. Clean the area around the puncture and keep it dry. Then roughen the area with metal rasp or abrasive paper. The area roughened should be a bit bigger than the tire patch you are to apply.

5. Peel off the backing of the tire patch, and stick the patch onto the puncture area. Press firmly for 5 minutes, starting from center and then all over the area, forcing out all air bubbles.

6. Make sure the patch is firmly attached. Wait at least 20~30 minutes before re-fitting the tube.

With a pre glued tire patch, one can patch a tire fast and easy! Shin Dorn manufactures glueless tire patch using elastic fabric and industrial-strength pressure sensitive adhesive. For more information, please contact Shin Dorn:

Related product: Bike Tire Puncture Repair Kit (109702N)

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