How to Determine the Quality of Glue Tube Packaging

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Just by surfing on the internet, it is easy to find a couple of glue packaging service providers in your country or overseas.

If you are willing to pay for air freight, the suppliers would be glad to send samples to you.

Once you receive the samples, how do you decide on a suitable supplier for your product? Here are some points worth considering.

Have the packaging service providers ever filled adhesive glue similar to your product? The filling and packaging techniques differ with respect to glue viscosity and other attributes. Some glue might even require special filling procedures. An experienced supplier is more likely to offer you the most satisfactory product.

Once you receive a sample, inspect it carefully. Is the glue tube tightly folded and sealed without any trace of leakage? If it is a printed tube, does it have fine print on it? If it is a tube with a self-adhesive label, does the label have fine print? You want the product to be appealing to customers.

Try to squeeze glue out of the tube. Is it easy to squeeze the amount of glue as intended? Can you unscrew and screw the cap on smoothly?

Finally, does the supplier offer flexible options for the packaging service you desire, such as different sizes of aluminum collapsible tubes, different sizes and colors of caps, customized design of retail packaging? It is desirable to have a supplier to covers all the work as it is usually more efficient than having separate suppliers to do the same jobs.

Choosing a reliable packaging service provider for your glue product in the first place will save you a lot of work later on. For detailed information on customized glue packaging services, please contact Shin Dorn, a professional OEM/ODM manufacturer:

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