7 Tips to Repair Leaks on Your Inflatable Item

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Repair Leaks: Inflatable products are the greatest companions to the summer fun. However, a punctured item would soon become a wet blanket and take the fun out of the day.

That is why we have to prepare: Get the repair kit and fix the leak so that the fun will not stop.

Here are some tips that will make your repair more successful.

  • Locate the leak and measure the size. It is not always easy to find the leaky hole and sometimes there would be more than one hole. Mark the hole so that you can find it easily when making repairs.
  • Cut the repair patch and make it large enough. The distance between the hole and the sphere of the patch should be at least 1 inch. If the hole is tiny, apply a patch in the size of at least 1.5 inch diameter.
  • Cut off the corner of the patch and make it round-shaped or oval-shaped. This will make the patch adhere to the surface more smoothly.
  • Apply proper amount of glue. While too few glue cannot adhere well, too much glue is hard to cure. The patch might come off if you re-inflate the article while the glue has not yet dried up.
  • Spread the glue evenly with a scraper. Use a ruler or a toothpick instead if a scraper is not available. Avoid making any air bubbles within the glue.
  • After applying glue, wait 30 seconds to 1 minute for the solvent to evaporate before applying the patch to the surface.
  • Make sure that each part of the patch are glued and can adhere to the surface tightly.

Making a punctured article work again saves us money and shows our love to the environment. Shin Dorn offers inflatable repair glue and repair kits that are suitable for repairing large and small inflatable products. Please feel free to contact Shin Dorn’s staff for more details: Email Us.

Related product: Air Mattress Repair Kit (RK507B)

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